Hello, so good to see you!

I am Olga and most likely you and I already know each other, you have seen me at the Aether Clinic or on Instagram.


It's time to share...

my knowledge with you! I will help you find harmony, do not waste energy, find your life's body, train without burnout and create a strong body, with which you will be able to be proud of yourself in the future. I work with my clients through a system of body types that, at an unconscious level, influence your life choices every day. During this year of work, more than 700 clients contacted me.


Let's find your unique body type so you will know exactly hot to eat, how to train and how to finally get the body of your dreams.

Are you ready to...

Loose weight and keep it off ?

It's not enough to just find a diet or training plan and to follow it. Your body is unique and it needs to be treated in a special way. And you want to do it in a way that works .

Schedule your meals for effortless weight loss and more energy?

Having your own system is different from traditional one. But most of all, you need to gain your trust in yourself back.

Finish with restrictive and deprivational diets?

Everybody is unique, so why shouldn't you try something that is totally yours? You don't need to deprive yourself with some plans that doesn't suit your body type.

Invest in yourself and take your body to the next level?

Social media marketing is very influential. Stop searching for new approaches. There is science that can help you. With the right approach, you can exponentially grow yourself.